Melanoma Misdiagnosis: Patient Stories & Clinical Studies

While all forms of skin cancer can cause substantial harm if allowed to develop to their later stages, malignant melanoma can be particularly aggressive – and potentially life-threatening - if not diagnosed or treated early.


"They thought they got it all".

Phoenix is known as the "Valley of the Sun", because we get so many sunny days here. It's great for lifting moods, but it can be treacherous, and even deadly for our skin.

REPORT: Man who had 'unnecessary surgery after melanoma misdiagnosis wants system to change.

Short's initial test showed an unusually slow rate of cancer cell growth so he asked for a second opinion - but that didn't happen.

Surgery went ahead, with surgeons cutting a deep incision curving from his ear to the back of his neck and down to his collarbone. [READ]

STUDY: Five-Year Outcomes of a Melanoma Screening Initiative in a Large Health Care System

"Primary care–based melanoma screening was associated with increased detection of thin melanoma, raising concern about overdiagnosis." [READ] [LISTEN]

PATIENT STORY: Mole Misdiagnosis

Erin Youngerberg noticed a small mole, the size of a pencil eraser, on her back. She was told not to worry.

STUDY: Pathologists agree overdiagnosis of skin cancer happens, but don’t change behaviour.

“Overdiagnosis is the diagnosis of disease that will not harm a person in their lifetime. If melanoma is being overdiagnosed, it means that too many people are getting the scary news that they have cancer, and receiving and paying for unnecessary treatment.” [READ]

PATIENT STORY: Mole Misdiagnosis Turns Out to Be Skin Cancer

"The dermatologist told her that it was almost impossible to get melanoma on the scalp." [READ]


Rich B. has been an avid runner his whole life. When suspicious dark spots appeared on his body, he decided to get them checked out.

STUDY: misdiagnosis of melanoma is associated with poorer prognosis

"Of the 107 patients analyzed, 32 (30%) were initially misdiagnosed." [READ]